



Barren Hill & Spring Mill Fire Companies are seeking
volunteers to join their teams!

Could YOU be one of them?

Sign Up To Learn More About Volunteering

How did you hear about us?(Required)


Respond to emergency calls regarding working fires, fire alarms, gas leaks and vehicle rescues/accidents.

Fire Police

 Control the flow of traffic around incidents, along with crowd control, while also keeping our First Responders safe.

Water Rescue

Respond to water-related emergencies on waterways as well as emergencies during flooding conditions.

Dive Team

Provide rescue operations to a variety of water-related events that occur both in Whitemarsh Township along with other Montgomery County communities.


Volunteer time, help with fundraisers, assist with events and play an important role in the success of other respective organizations.

JR Firefighters

This allows for 14 to 17-year-old future This allows for future firefighters, not only to learn how to operate safely in various types of emergencies but also experiencing valuable life lessons.

(Spring Mill Fire ages 14-18 & Barren Hill Volunteer Fire Company ages 16-18)